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墨家 -> 墨子 -> 卷十三 -> 魯問 -> 13

墨子公尚過After Mozi had paid Gong Shang Guo a visit,
公尚過 Gong Shang Guo recommended him to the Lord of Yue.
The Lord of Yue was greatly pleased,
公尚過 saying to Gong Shang Guo:
使墨子寡人"Sir, if you can induce Mozi to come to Yue and instruct me
墨子。」 I shall offer him five hundred li square of the land lying in the former state of Wu."
公尚過Gong Shang Guo promised to try
公尚過 and so fifty wagons were made ready to go to Lu,
墨子 and welcome Mozi.
(Gong Shang Guo) told him:
"When I tried to persuade the Lord of Yue with your principles
he was quite pleased
使墨子and said to me that if I could induce you to come to Yue
寡人 and instruct him,
。」 he would offer you five hundred li square of the land lying in the former state of Wu."
墨子公尚過 Mozi said to Gong Shang Guo:
As you observe it, what is the intention of the Lord of Yue?
If the Lord of Yue will listen to my word
and adopt my way,
I shall come,
asking only for food according to the capacity of my stomach,
and clothing according to the stature of my body.
I shall just be one of the ministers.
What is the use of any commission?
On the other hand, if the Lord of Yue will not listen to my word
and adopt my way
and I should go nevertheless,
I should then be selling my righteousness.
As for selling righteousness
I could very well do it in China,
?」 why should I then go out to Yue?
