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儒家 -> 禮記 -> 檀弓上 -> 60

司寇惠子At the mourning rites for Hui-zi, who had been minister of Crime,
子游Zi-you (went to condole), wearing for him a robe of sackcloth, and a headband made of the product of the male plant.
Wen-zi (the brother of Hui-zi), wishing to decline the honour, said,
'You condescended to be the associate of my younger brother,
and now further condescend to wear this mourning;
。」 I venture to decline the honour.'
子游:「。」Zi-you said, 'It is in, rule;' on which Wen-zi returned and continued his wailing.
退子游:「。」Zi-you then hastened and took his place among the officers (of the family); but Wen-zi also declined this honour, and said, 'You condescended to be the associate of my younger brother, and now further condescend to wear for him this mourning, and to come and take part in the mourning rites I venture to decline the honour.'
子游:「。」Zi-you said, 'I beg firmly to request you to allow me (to remain here).'
退:「。」Wen-zi then returned, and supporting the rightful son to take his position with his face to the south, said, 'You condescended to be the associate of my younger brother, and now you further condescend to wear this mourning for him, and to come and take part in the rites; dare Hu but return to his (proper) place?'
子游Zi-you on this hastened to take his position among the guests'.
