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儒家 -> 礼记 -> 檀弓上 -> 76

陈庄子When Zhuang-zi of Chen died,
announcement of the event was sent to Lu.
They did not want to wail for him there,
but duke Mu called Xian-zi, and consulted him.
He said,
'In old times, no messages from Great officers, not even such as were accompanied by a bundle of pieces of dried meat, went out beyond the boundaries of their states.
Though it had been wished to wail for them,
how could it have been done?
Nowadays the Great officers
share in the measures of government throughout the middle states.
Though it may be wished not to wail for one,
how can it be avoided?
I have heard, moreover,
that there are two grounds for the wailing;
one from love,
。” and one from fear.'
:“?”The duke said, 'Very well; but how is the thing to be managed in this case?'
Xian-zi said,
。” 'I would ask you to wail for him in the temple of (a family of) a different surname;'
and hereon the duke and he wailed for Zhuang-zi in (the temple of) the Xian family.
