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儒家 -> 礼记 -> 檀弓下 -> 134.1

晋献公At the mourning rites for duke Xian of Jin,
秦穆公使公子重耳 duke Mu of Qin sent a messenger to present his condolences to Xian's son Chong-er (who was then an exile),
and to add this message:
寡人'I have heard
that a time like this is specially adapted to the losing of a state,
or the gaining of a state.
Though you, my son, are quiet here, in sorrow and in mourning, your exile should not be allowed to continue long, and the opportunity should not be lost.
Think of it and take your measures, my young son.
舅犯Chong-er reported the words to his maternal uncle Fan,
舅犯 who said,'
My son, decline the proffer.
An exile as you are, nothing precious remains to you;
but a loving regard for your father is to be considered precious.
How shall the death of a father be told?
And if you take advantage of it to seek your own profit,
天下 who under heaven will be able to give a good account of your conduct?
Decline the proffer, my son.
