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孔子Confucius said,
'He who made the vessels which are so (only) in imagination,
knew the principles underlying the mourning rites.
。”They were complete (to all appearance), and yet could not be used.
if for the dead they had used the vessels of the living,
would there not have been a danger of this leading to the interment of the living with the dead?'
They were called 'vessels in imagination,'
。” (the dead) being thus treated as spiritual intelligences,
From of old there were the carriages of clay and the figures of straw,
in accordance with the idea in these vessels in imagination.
孔子”, Confucius said that the making of the straw figures was good,
”, and that the making of the (wooden) automaton was not benevolent.
Was there not a danger of its leading to the use of (living) men?
