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公叔文子:“When Gong-shu Wen-zi died, his son Shu begged the ruler (of the state) to fix his honorary title, saying, 'The sun and moon have brought the time - we are about to bury him.
I beg that you will fix the title, for which we shall change his name.
:“饿The ruler said, 'Formerly when our state of Wei was suffering from a severe famine, your father had gruel made, and gave it to the famishing - was not this a roof of how kind he was?
寡人Moreover, in a time of trouble, he protected me at the risk of his own life - was not this a proof of how faithful he was?
And while he administered the government of Wei, he so maintained the regulations for the different classes, and conducted its intercourse with the neighbouring states all round, that its altars sustained no disgrace - was not this a proof of how accomplished he was?
’。Therefore let us call him "The Faithful, Kind, and Accomplished."
