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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 宴桃園豪傑三結義,斬黃巾英雄首立功 -> 21

But suddenly a troop of soldiers
with crimson banners
appeared to oppose them.
Their leader was a man of medium stature
with small eyes and a long beard.
孟德He was Cao Cao, a Beijuo man, holding the rank of Cavalry Commander.
His father was Cao Song,
but he was not really a Cao. Cao Song had been born to the Xiahou family,
but he had been brought up by Eunuch Cao Teng
and had taken this family name.
As a young man Cao Cao
had been fond of hunting
and delighted in songs and dancing.
He was resourceful and full of guile.
An uncle,
seeing the young fellow so unsteady,
used to get angry with him
and told his father of his misdeeds.
His father remonstrated with him.
But Cao Cao made equal to the occasion.
One day, seeing his uncle coming,
he fell to the ground
in a pretended fit.
The uncle alarmed ran to tell his father,
who came, and there was the youth in most perfect health.
:「?」"But your uncle said you were in a fit. Are you better?" said his father.
:「"I have never suffered from fits or any such illness," said Cao Cao.
"But I have lost my uncle's affection,
。」 and he has deceived you."
Thereafter, whatever the uncle might say of his faults, his father paid no heed.
So the young man grew up licentious and uncontrolled.
