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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 张翼德怒鞭督邮,何国舅谋诛宦竖 -> 15

:“。”:“?”:“。”:“天下!”:“?”孙坚The guards hustled him away and were just about to carry out the Emperor's order when a minister stopped them, shouting, "Strike not! Wait till I have spoken with His Majesty." It was the Minister of the Interior, Chen Dan. He went in to the Emperor, to whom he said, "For what fault is Counselor Liu Tao to be put to death?" "He has vilified my servants and has insulted me," said the Emperor. "All the empire would eat the flesh of the eunuchs if they could, and yet, Sire, you respect them as if they were your parents. They have no merit, but they are created nobles. Moreover, Feng Xu was in league with the Yellow Scarves. Unless Your Majesty looks to it, the state will crumble!" "There was no proof against Feng Xu," replied the Emperor. "About the Ten Eunuchs, are there none faithful among them?" Chen Dan beat his forehead on the steps of the throne and did not desist from remonstrance. Then the Emperor grew angry and commanded his removal and imprisonment with Liu Tao. That night Liu Tao and Chen Dan were murdered. Then the eunuchs sent a forged edict to Sun Jian making him Governor of Changsha, with orders to suppress the rebellion of Ou Xing.
