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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 廢漢帝陳留為皇,謀董賊孟德獻刀 -> 1

董卓袁紹李儒:「。」袁紹:「?」:「。」:「。」:「。」:「袁紹?」:「袁紹忿忿天下。」:「袁紹。」Dong Zhuo was on the point of slaying Yuan Shao, but Li Ru checked him, saying, "You must not kill rashly while the business hangs in the balance." Yuan Shao, his sword still unsheathed, left the assembly. He hung up the seals of his office at the east gate and went to Jizhou Region. Dong Zhuo said to Imperial Guardian Yuan Wei, "Your nephew behaved improperly, but I pardon him for your sake. What think you of my scheme?" "What you think is right," was the reply. "If anyone opposes the great scheme, he will be dealt with by military law!" said Dong Zhuo. The ministers, thoroughly dreaded, promised obedience, and the feast came to an end. Dong Zhuo asked Counselor Zhou Bi and Commander Wu Qiong what they thought of the flight of Yuan Shao. Zhou Bi said, "He left in a state of great anger. In such a state of excitement much harm may ensue to the present state of affairs, especially as the Yuan family have been noted for their high offices for four generations, and their proteges and dependents are everywhere. If they assemble bold people and call up their clients, all the valiant warriors will be in arms, and the whole Shandong Mountains will be lost. You had better pardon Yuan Shao and give him a post. He will be glad at being forgiven and will do no harm." Wu Qiong said, "Yuan Shao is fond of scheming, but he fails in decision and so is not to be feared. But it would be well to give him rank and thus win popular favor."
