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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 廢漢帝陳留為皇,謀董賊孟德獻刀 -> 3.1

李儒殿:「董卓!」董卓This having been read, Dong Zhuo bade the officials lead the Emperor down from the throne, remove his seal, and cause him to kneel facing the north, styling himself faithful servant of the Throne and requesting commands. Moreover Dong Zhuo bade Empress He strip off her royal dress of ceremony and await the imperial command. Both victims of this oppression wept bitterly, and every minister present was deeply affected. One minister put his discontent into words, crying, "The false Dong Zhuo is the author of this insult, which I will risk my life to wipe away!" And with this he rushed at Dong Zhuo threatening with his ivory baton of office. It was Chair of the Secretariat Ding Guan. Dong Zhuo had Ding Guan removed and summarily put to death. Before his death, Ding Guan ceased not to rail at the oppressor, nor was he frightened at death.
