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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 焚金阙董卓行凶,匿玉玺孙坚背约 -> 12

夏侯敦夏侯渊:“!”便夏侯敦曹仁李典乐进曹操Just at this moment Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan, with several dozens men, came along. "Hurt not my lord!" cried Xiahou Dun to Xu Rong, who at once rushed at him. But the combat was short. Xu Rong speedily fell under a spear thrust of Xiahou Dun, and his troops were driven off. Before long Cao Cao's other generals arrived. Sadness and joy mingled in the greetings. They gathered together the few hundreds of soldiers left and then returned to Luoyang.
