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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 焚金阙董卓行凶,匿玉玺孙坚背约 -> 19

刘表”。刘表蒯越蔡瑁袁绍蒯越蔡瑁孙坚On the way home, Sun Jian was passing through Jingzhou Region. The Imperial Protector of Jingzhou, Liu Biao, was a scion of the imperial house and a native of Shanyang. As a young man he had made friends with many famous people, and he and his companions were called the Eight Wise Ones. The other seven were: Chen Xiang from Runan, styled Zhong Lin; Fan Pang from Runan, styled Meng Bo; Kong Yu from Luting, styled Shi Yuan; Fan Kang from Bohai, styled Zhong Zhen; Tan Fu from Shanyang, styled Wen You; Zhang Jian from Shanyang, styled Yuan Jie; and Cen Zhi from Nanyang, styled Gong Xiao. Liu Biao was friends with all seven of them. He had three famous persons who helped him in the government of his region. They were Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue from Yanping, and Cai Mao from Xiangyang. When Yuan Shao's letter detailing the fault of Sun Jian arrived, Liu Biao ordered Kuai Yue and Cai Mao with ten thousand soldiers to bar the way.
