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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 焚金阙董卓行凶,匿玉玺孙坚背约 -> 20

蒯越孙坚:“?”:“!”黄盖蔡瑁黄盖孙坚刘表孙坚:“袁绍!”:“?”:“!”:“。”:“!”刘表便退蒯越蔡瑁孙坚孙坚When Sun Jian drew near, the force was arranged in fighting order and the leaders were in the front. "Why are you thus barring the road with armed troops?" asked Sun Jian. "Why do you, a servant of Han, secrete the Emperor's special seal? Leave it with me at once and you go free," said Kuai Yue. Sun Jian angrily ordered out General Huang Gai. On the other side Cai Mao rode forth with his sword set to strike. But after a few bouts Huang Gai dealt Cai Mao a blow with the iron whip on the armor just over the heart. Cai Mao turned his steed and fled, and Sun Jian got through with a sudden rush. However, there arose the sound of gongs and drums on the hills behind, and there was Liu Biao in person with a large army. Sun Jian rode straight up to him and bowing low spoke, "Why did you, on the faith of a letter from Yuan Shao, try to coerce the chief of a neighboring region?" "You have concealed the state jewel, and I want you to restore it," was Liu Biao's reply. "If I have this thing, may I die a violent death!" "If you want me to believe you, let me search your baggage." "What force have you that you dare come to flout me thus?" And only Liu Biao's prompt retirement prevented a battle. Sun Jian proceeded on his way. But from the rear of the second hill an ambush suddenly discovered itself, and Kuai Yue and Cai Mao were still pursuing. Sun Jian seemed entirely hemmed in. What does a man to hold the state jewel for, If its possession lead to strife? How Sun Jian got clear of the difficulty will presently be told.
