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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 袁绍磐河战公孙,孙坚跨江击刘表 -> 9

公孙瓒文丑文丑:“子龙袁绍。”Gongsun Zan crawled up the slope to look on. The new warrior was of middle height with bushy eyebrows and large eyes, a broad face and a heavy jowl, a youth of commanding presence. The two exchanged some fifty bouts and yet neither had the advantage. Then Gongsun Zan's rescue force came along, and Wen Chou turned and rode away. The warrior did not pursue. Gongsun Zan hurried down the hill and asked the young fellow who he was. He bowed low and replied, "My name is Zhao Zilong from Changshan. I first served Yuan Shao; but when I saw that he was disloyal to his prince and careless of the welfare of the people, I left him and I was on my way to offer service to you. This meeting in this place is most unexpected." Gongsun Zan was very pleased, and the two went together to the camp, where they at once busied themselves with preparations for a new battle.
