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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 袁绍磐河战公孙,孙坚跨江击刘表 -> 12

公孙瓒赵云赵云公孙瓒Seeing this, Gongsun Zan turned his steed and galloped away. Qu Yi followed. But just as he caught up the fugitive, there came prancing forth Zhao Zilong, who rode directly at him with spear ready to strike. After a few bouts Qu Yi was laid in the dust. Then Zhao Zilong attacked the soldiers and turned the tide. Plunging forward on this side, dashing in on that, he went through as if there were no antagonists and, seeing this, Gongsun Zan turned and came again into the fight. The final victory was on his side.
