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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 王司徒巧使連環計,董太師大鬧鳳儀亭 -> 12

退:「天下。」:「!」:「?」:「。」Here the host raised a goblet and drank to his guest, saying, "From my youth up I have understood something of astrology and have been studying the aspect of the heavens. I read that the days of Han are numbered, and that the great Prime Minister's merits command the regard of all the world, as when King Shun succeeded King Yao, and King Yu continued the work of King Shun, all by the strength of their own merits, conforming to the mind of Heaven and the desire of people." "How dare I expect this?" said Dong Zhuo. "From the days of old, those who walk in the way have replaced those who deviate therefrom; those who lack virtue have fallen before those who possess it. Can one escape fate?" "If indeed the decree of Heaven devolves on me, you shall be held the first in merit!" said Dong Zhuo.
