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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 王司徒巧使连环计,董太师大闹凤仪亭 -> 13.1

使:“使。”:“。”貂蝉鸿Wang Yun bowed. Then lights were brought in and all the attendants were dismissed, save the serving maids to hand the wine. So the evening went on. Presently Wang Yun said, "The music of these everyday musicians is too commonplace for your ear, but there happens to be in the house a little maid that might please you." "Excellent!" said the guest. Then a curtain was lowered. The shrill tones of reed instruments rang through the room, and presently some attendants led forward Diao Chan, who then danced on the outside of the curtain. A poem praises her: For a palace this maiden was born, So timid, so graceful, so slender, Like a tiny bird flitting at morn Over the dew-laden lily buds tender. Were this exquisite maid only mine, For never a mansion I'd pine. Another poem runs thus:
