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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 除暴凶吕布助司徒,犯长安李傕听贾诩 -> 4

董卓貂蝉吕布貂蝉:“?”王允The order was given to journey to Meiwu, and the whole body of officers assembled to add luster to the start. Diao Chan, from her carriage, saw Lu Bu among the crowd. She at once dropped her eyes and assumed an appearance of deepest melancholy. After the cavalcade started and when her carriage had almost disappeared in the distance, the disappointed lover reined in his steed on a mount whence he could watch the dust that rose around it. Unutterable sadness filled his heart. Suddenly a voice said, "Why do you not accompany the Prime Minister, General, instead of standing here and sighing?" It was Wang Yun.
