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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 除暴兇呂布助司徒,犯長安李傕聽賈詡 -> 10

李肅天子李肅:「天子?」:「天子殿。」:「王允?」:「』,。」:「!」便李傕郭汜張濟樊稠李肅:「。」Next day Li Su, with a small escort, set out for Meiwu and announced himself as bearer of a decree. He was conducted into Dong Zhuo's presence. After he had made his obeisance, Dong Zhuo asked what the decree was. "His Majesty has recovered and wishes his ministers to meet him in the Palace to consider the question of his abdication in your favor. That is what this summons means." "What does Wang Yun think of the scheme?" "Wang Yun has already begun the construction of the Terrace of Abdication and only awaits my lord's arrival." "Last night I dreamed a dragon coiled round my body," said Dong Zhuo greatly pleased, "and now I get this happy tidings! I must not neglect the opportunity." So Dong Zhuo gave instructions to his four trusted generals for the safekeeping of his city. Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji were to guard Meiwu with three thousand troops of the Flying Bear Army. Then Dong Zhuo announced his intention of starting on the morrow. "When I am Emperor, you shall be Commander of Capital District," said he. "Your minister thanks you," said Li Su.
