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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 除暴兇呂布助司徒,犯長安李傕聽賈詡 -> 11

:「?」:「!」:「。」:「!」貂蟬:「天子。」貂蟬Dong Zhuo went to bid farewell to his ninety-year-old mother. "Whither are you going, my son?" asked she. "I go to receive the abdication of Han; soon you will be the Empress Dowager!" "I have been feeling nervous and creepy these few days. It is a bad sign." "Anyone about to become the Mother of the State must have premonitions," said her son. He left her with these words. Just before starting, he said to Diao Chan, "When I am Emperor, you shall be Lady of the Palace." She bowed low thanking him, but she knew and inwardly rejoiced.
