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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 除暴兇呂布助司徒,犯長安李傕聽賈詡 -> 15.1

王允:「?」:「?」呂布:「!」李肅呂布:「董卓!」董卓Li Su was silent as he helped push the carriage forward swiftly to the entrance. Suddenly Wang Yun shouted, "The rebel is here! Where are the executioners?" At this call sprang from both sides soldiers armed with halberds and spears who attacked Dong Zhuo. But the breastplate he usually wore protected him, and spears could not penetrate it. He sank down in the carriage, wounded in the arms, calling loudly for his son, "Where is Lu Bu?" "Here, and with a decree to deal with a rebel!" said Lu Bu, as he appeared in front of his "father". Thereupon he thrust his trident halberd through the victim's throat. Then Li Su hacked off the head and held it up. Lu Bu, his left hand holding his halberd, thrust his right hand into his bosom whence he drew the decree, crying, "The decree was to slay the rebel Dong Zhuo —-no other!" The whole assembly shouted, "Wan shui! Live forever! O Emperor!" A sympathetic poet has written a few lines in pity:
