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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 除暴凶吕布助司徒,犯长安李傕听贾诩 -> 16

吕布:“李儒?”李肃李儒李儒王允董卓王允吕布皇甫嵩李肃董卓The lust of blood awakened, Lu Bu urged further slaughter, crying, "Li Ru has been the main initiator for Dong Zhuo in many crimes! Who shall go and kill him?" Li Su volunteered to go in search of him. But just then a shouting was heard at the gates, and it was told them that a household servant had brought Li Ru in bonds. Wang Yun ordered his immediate execution in the market place. Dong Zhuo's head was exposed in a crowded thoroughfare (AD 192). He was very fat, and the guards made torches by sticking splints into the body, spilling the corpse's grease over the ground. The passers-by pelted the head and spurned the body with their feet. Wang Yun ordered a force of fifty thousand under Lu Bu, Huangfu Song, and Li Su to destroy Meiwu.
