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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 除暴兇呂布助司徒,犯長安李傕聽賈詡 -> 24

王允西呂布:「!」李肅呂布:「!」李肅As the Liangzhou troops advanced, the news came to Wang Yun, and he consulted Lu Bu. "They are a lot of rats!" said Lu Bu. "Never mind how many there are of them. Be not in the least anxious!" So Lu Bu and Li Su went to oppose them. The latter was in advance and met Niu Fu. They fought. Niu Fu was outmatched and retired after suffering a slaughter. But unexpectedly Niu Fu returned in a night attack, found Li Su quite unprepared and drove Li Su's force some ten miles, slaying many. Li Su reported the defeat, and Lu Bu raged at him, saying, "You have sullied my reputation as a warrior and destroyed our fighting spirit!" And Lu Bu put Li Su to death, exposing his head at the camp gate.
