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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 勤王室马腾举义,报父雠曹操兴师 -> 9

李傕便张济樊稠李傕:“樊稠?”樊稠张济李傕:“樊稠?”樊稠张济张济This seemed good to Li Jue, so the banquet was prepared. Zhang Ji and Fan Chou accepted their invitations and went cheerfully. Toward the latter part of the entertainment a sudden change came over their host Li Jue, and he suddenly asked Fan Chou, "Why have you been intriguing with Han Sui? You are turning traitor, eh?" The unhappy guest was taken aback. Before he could frame his words to reply, he saw the assassins rush out with swords and axes. In a moment all was over, and Fan Chou's head lay beneath the table. Scared beyond measure, his fellow-guest Zhang Ji groveled on the floor. "Fan Chou was a traitor," said the host, raising Zhang Ji by the arm, "and he has his deserts. You are my friend and need not fear." Li Jue gave Zhang Ji command of Fan Chou's army with which Zhang Ji returned to his headquarters garrison in Hongnong.
