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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 刘皇叔北海救孔融,吕温侯濮阳破曹操 -> 5

糜竺陶谦:“曹操。”:“曹孟德。”:“曹操。”孔融:“广便退!”孔融:“!”孔融孔融孔融糜竺怀The day that Mi Zhu arrived, Kong Rong was, as usual, seated among his guests, and the messenger was ushered in without delay. In reply to a question about the reason of the visit, Mi Zhu presented Tao Qian's letter which said that Cao Cao was pressing on Xuzhou City and the Imperial Protector prayed for help. Then said Kong Rong, "Your master and I are good friends, and your presence here constrains me to go to his aid. However, I have no quarrel with Cao Cao either, so I will first write to him to try to make peace. If he refuses my offer, then I must set the army in motion." "Cao Cao will not listen to proposals of peace: He is too certain of his strength," said Mi Zhu. Kong Rong wrote his letter and also gave orders to muster his troops. Just at this moment happened another rising of the Yellow Scarves, ten thousand of them, and the ruffians began to rob and murder at Beihai. It was necessary to deal with them first, and Kong Rong led his army outside the city. The rebel leader, Guan Hai, rode out to the front, saying, "I know this county is fruitful and can well spare ten thousand carts of grain. Give me that and we retire; refuse, and we will batter down the city walls and destroy every soul!" Kong Rong shouted back, "I am a servant of the great Hans, entrusted with the safety of their land. Think you I will feed rebels?" Guan Hai whipped his steed, whirled his sword around his head, and rode forward. Zong Bao, one of Kong Rong's generals, set his spear and rode out to give battle, but after a very few bouts Zong Bao was cut down. Soon the soldiers fell into panic and rushed pell-mell into the city for protection. The rebels then laid siege to the city on all sides. Kong Rong was very down-hearted; and Mi Zhu, who now saw no hope for the success of his mission, was grieved beyond words.
