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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 劉皇叔北海救孔融,呂溫侯濮陽破曹操 -> 14

劉玄德孔融:「。」玄德:「雲長子龍張飛使。」雲長子龍Presently Liu Bei came up and went to see Kong Rong, who said, "The enemy is very powerful, and Cao Cao handles his army skillfully. We must be cautious. Let us make most careful observations before we strike a blow." "What I fear is famine in the city," said Liu Bei. "They cannot hold out very long. I will put my troops with yours under your command, while I with Zhang Fei make a dash through to see Tao Qian and consult with him." Kong Rong approved of this, so he and Tian Kai took up positions on the ox-horn formation, with Guan Yu and Zhao Zilong on either side to support them.
