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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 李傕郭汜大交兵,杨奉董承双救驾 -> 2

袁绍曹操吕布审配:“吕布。”颜良曹操吕布陈宫:“刘玄德。”The news of the fighting between Cao Cao and Lu Bu had reached Jizhou, and one of Yuan Shao's advisers, Shen Pei, warned him, saying, "Lu Bu is a savage beast. If he gets possession of Yanzhou, he will certainly attempt to add this region to it. For your own safety you should help to crush him." Wherefore Yuan Shao sent Yan Liang with fifty thousand troops to destroy Lu Bu. The spies heard this and at once told Lu Bu, who was greatly disturbed and called in Chen Gong. "Go over to Liu Bei, who has lately succeeded to Xuzhou," said Chen Gong. Hence Lu Bu went thither.
