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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 李傕郭汜大交兵,杨奉董承双救驾 -> 24

杨奉:“?”杨奉退天子:“:“?”:“。”杨奉段煨天子宿杨奉Seeing it was necessary to fight now, he drew up his line of battle. Guo Si's general, Cui Yong, rode out and began a volley of abuse. Yang Feng turned and said, "Where is Xu Huang?" In response out came a valiant warrior gripping a heavy battle-ax. He galloped up on his fleet bay, making directly for Cui Yong, whom he felled at the first blow. At this the whole force dashed forward and routed Guo Si. The defeated army went back some seven miles. Yang Feng rode forward to see the Emperor, who graciously said, "It is a great service you have rendered: You have saved my life." Yang Feng bowed and thanked him, and the Emperor asked to see the actual slayer of the rebel leader. So Xu Huang was led to the chariot, where he bowed and was presented as Xu Huang of Hedong. The Emperor recognized the achievement of the warrior. Then the cavalcade went forward, Yang Feng acting as escort as far as the city of Huaying, the halting place for the night. The commander of the place, Duan Wei, supplied them with clothing and food. And the Emperor passed the night in Yang Feng's camp.
