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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 曹孟德移駕幸許都,呂奉先乘夜襲徐郡 -> 11

李傕許褚曹仁李傕李暹許褚李暹曹操許褚:「!」夏侯惇曹仁西Soon the rebels decided to offer battle. In reply, Cao Cao sent out Xu Chu, Cao Ren, and Dian Wei with three hundred horse. These three leaders dashed into the rebels army but quickly retired. This maneuver was repeated, and again repeated before the real battle array was formed. Then Li Xian and Li Bie, nephews of Li Jue, rode out. At once from Cao Cao's side dashed out Xu Chu and cut down Li Xian. Li Bie was so startled that he fell out of the saddle. He too was slain. The victor Xu Chu rode back to his own side with the two heads. When Xu Chu offered them to the chief, Cao Cao patted him on the back, crying, "You are really my Fan Kuai!" Next a general move forward was made, Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong leading the two wings and Cao Cao in the center. They advanced to the roll of the drum. The rebels fell back before them and presently fled. They pursued, Cao Cao himself leading, sword in hand. The slaughter went on till night. Ten thousands were killed and many more surrendered. Li Jue and Guo Si went west, flying in panic like dogs from a falling house. Having no place of refuge they took to the hills and hid among the brushwood.
