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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 曹孟德移駕幸許都,呂奉先乘夜襲徐郡 -> 13

使:「?」:「調?」:「。」:「?」:「袁紹天子。」曹操:「。」荀彧:「。」:「李傕楊奉韓暹。」:「?」:「?」:「?」:「。」One day the Emperor sent to summon Cao Cao to audience. The messenger was called in. Cao Cao noticed that the messenger looked remarkably well and could not understand it seeing that everyone else looked hungry and famine stricken. So Cao Cao said, "You look plump and well, Sir, how do you manage it?" "Only this: I have lived meager for thirty years." Cao Cao nodded, "What office do you hold?" "I am a graduate recommended for filial piety and honesty. I had offices under Yuan Shao and Zhang Yang, but came here when the Emperor returned. Now I am one of the secretaries. I am a native of Dingtao, and my name is Dong Zhao." Cao Cao got up from his place and crossed over, saying, "I have heard of you. How happy I am to meet you!" Then wine was brought into the tent, and Xun Yu was called in and introduced. While they were talking, a man came in to report that a party was moving eastward. Cao Cao ordered to find out whose people these were, but Dong Zhao knew at once. "They are old leaders under the rebels, Yang Feng and the White Wave General Han Xian. They are running off because you have come, Illustrious Sir!" "Do they mistrust me?" said Cao Cao. "They are not worthy of your attention. They are a poor lot." "What of this departure of Li Jue and Guo Si?" "Tigers without claws, birds without wings —-they will not escape you very long. They are not worth thinking about."
