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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 曹孟德移驾幸许都,吕奉先乘夜袭徐郡 -> 15

:“天子。”献帝:“天下。”使:“。”:“。”:“。”杨奉韩暹徐晃:“曹操!”Thereafter Cao Cao and his advisers secretly discussed the change of capital. Now Court Counselor Wang Li, who was an astrologer, said to Liu Cai, Royal Clan Recorder, "I have been studying the stars. Since last spring Venus has been nearing the Guard star in the neighborhood of the Measure, and the Cowherd (the Great Bear and Vega) crossing the River of Heaven. Mars has been retrograding and came into conjunction with Venus in the Gate of Heaven, so that metal (Venus) and fire (Mars) are mingled. Thence must emerge a new ruler. The aura of the Hans is exhausted, and the ancient states of Jin and Wei must increase." A secret memorial was presented to the Emperor, saying: "The Mandate of Heaven has its course, and the five elements —-metal, wood, water, fire, and earth —-are out of proportion. Earth attacking fire is Wei attacking Han, and the successor to the empire of Han is in Wei." Cao Cao heard of these sayings and memorials and sent a man to the astrologer to say, "Your loyalty is well known, but the ways of Heaven are past finding out. The less said the better." Then Cao Cao discussed with Xun Yu. The adviser expounded the meaning thus: "The virtue of Han was fire; your element is earth. Xuchang is under the influence of earth, and so your fortune depends on getting there. Fire can overcome earth, as earth can multiply wood. Dong Zhao and Wang Li agree, and you have only to hide your time." So Cao Cao made up his mind. Next day at court he said, "Luoyang is deserted and cannot be restored, nor can it be supplied easily with food. Xuchang is a noble city, resourceful and close to Luyang, which is a grain basin. It is everything that a capital should be. I venture to request that the court move thither." The Emperor dared not oppose and the officials were too overawed to have any independent opinion, so they chose a day to set out. Cao Cao commanded the escort, and the officials all followed. When they had traveled a few stages, they saw before them a high mound and from behind this there arose the beating of drums. Then Yang Feng and Han Xian came out and barred the way. In front of all stood Xu Huang, who shouted, "Cao Cao is stealing away the Emperor!"
