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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 曹孟德移驾幸许都,吕奉先乘夜袭徐郡 -> 32

张飞玄德陈元龙张飞:“。”曹豹:“。”:“。”In Xuzhou, after Liu Bei had started on his expedition, Zhang Fei placed his colleague and helper, Chen Deng, in charge of the administration of the region, keeping military affairs under his own supervision. After thinking over the matter or some time, he gave a banquet to all the military officers. When they were all seated, he made a speech: "Before my brother left, he bade me keep clear of the wine cup for fear of accidents. Now, gentlemen, you may drink deep today. But from tomorrow wine is forbidden, for we must keep the city safe. So take your fill." And with this he and all his guests rose to drink together. The wine bearer came to Cao Bao who declined it, saying, "I never drink as I am forbidden by religion." "What! A fighting man does not drink wine!" said the host. "I want you to take just one cup." Cao Bao was afraid to offend, so he drank.
