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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 曹孟德移驾幸许都,吕奉先乘夜袭徐郡 -> 34

曹豹:“翼德婿。”:“婿?”:“吕布。”:“吕布便吕布!”曹豹The only way of escape for Cao Bao was to beg remission, and he did so, saying, "Sir, if you saw my son-in-law's face, you would pardon me." "Who is your son-in-law?" "Lu Bu." "I did not mean to have you really beaten; but if you think to frighten me with Lu Bu, I will! I will beat you as if I were beating him!" said Zhang Fei. The guests interposed to beg him off, but their drunken host was obdurate, and the unhappy guest received fifty blows. Then at the earnest prayers of the others the remainder of the punishment was remitted.
