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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 曹孟德移驾幸许都,吕奉先乘夜袭徐郡 -> 36

使陈宫便吕布:“使使。”曹豹曹豹便吕布Lu Bu got ready at once and soon on the way with five hundred cavalrymen, ordering Chen Gong and Gao Shun to follow him with the main body. Xiaopei being only about fifteen miles away, Lu Bu was under the walls at the fourth watch. It was clear moonlight. No one on the ramparts saw him. Lu Bu came up close to the wall and called out, "Liu Bei's secret messenger has arrived!" The guards on the wall were Cao Bao's people, and they called him. Cao Bao came, and when he saw who was there, he ordered the gates to be opened. Lu Bu gave the secret signal, and the soldiers entered shouting.
