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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 太史慈酣斗小霸王,孙伯符大战严白虎 -> 2

袁术吕布吕布使刘备玄德玄德广玄德纪灵:“。”纪灵吕布纪灵As soon as the news of Lu Bu's successful seizure of his protector's region reached Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu sent promises of valuable presents to Lu Bu to induce him to join in a further attack on Liu Bei. The presents are said to have been fifty thousand carts of grain, five hundred horses, ten thousand ounces of gold and silver, and a thousand rolls of colored silk. Lu Bu swallowed the bait and ordered Gao Shun to lead forth fifty thousand troops. But Liu Bei heard of the threatened attack, so he made inclement weather an excuse to moved his few soldiers out of Xuyi for Guangling, before the attacking force came up. However, Gao Shun demanded the promised reward through Ji Ling, who put Gao Shun off, saying, "My lord has gone away. I will settle this as soon as I can see him and get his decision." With this answer Gao Shun returned to Lu Bu, who could not decide what to do.
