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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 太史慈酣鬥小霸王,孫伯符大戰嚴白虎 -> 3

袁術:「劉備劉備。」袁術陳宮:「玄德使玄德袁術袁紹天下。」玄德Then came a letter from Yuan Shu: "Although Gao Shun had gone to attack Liu Bei, yet Liu Bei had not been destroyed, and no reward could be given till he was actually taken." Lu Bu railed at what he called the breach of faith and was inclined to attack Yuan Shu himself. However, his adviser, Chen Gong, opposed this course, saying, "You should not. Yuan Shu is in possession of Shouchun and has a large army, well supplied. You are no match for him. Rather ask Liu Bei to take up his quarters at Xiaopei as one of your wings and, when the time comes, let him lead the attack, both south and north. Then Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao will fall before you, and you will be very powerful." Finding this advice good, Lu Bu sent letters to Liu Bei asking him to return.
