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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 太史慈酣鬥小霸王,孫伯符大戰嚴白虎 -> 5

玄德呂布呂布:「張飛。」玄德:「。」玄德玄德玄德:「。」呂布At the interview Lu Bu said, "I did not wish to take the city, but your brother behaved very badly, drinking and flogging the soldiers, and I came to guard it lest some evil should befall." "But I had long wished to yield it to you," said Liu Bei. Thereupon Lu Bu wished to retire in favor of Liu Bei who, however, would not hear of it. Liu Bei returned and took up his quarters in Xiaopei, but his two brothers would not take the situation kindly and were very discontented. Said Liu Bei, "One must bow to one's lot. It is the will of Heaven, and one cannot struggle against fate." Lu Bu sent presents of food and stuffs, and peace reigned between the two houses.
