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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 太史慈酣斗小霸王,孙伯符大战严白虎 -> 21

太史慈孙策程普:“。”程普太史慈:“孙策!”程普太史慈刘繇太史慈:“?”刘繇:“周瑜陈武周瑜薛礼笮融。”Both sides thus yelled defiance at each other, one side boasting, the other bragging. Then Taishi Ci rode out challenging Sun Ce to a duel to the death, and Sun Ce would have accepted. But Cheng Pu said, "My lord should not trouble himself. I will take him." And Cheng Pu rode forth. "You are no antagonist for me," said Taishi Ci. "Tell your master to come out!" This incensed Cheng Pu, who rode at his opponent, and they two fought thirty bouts. The duel was stopped by the gongs of Liu Yao. "Why did you sound the retreat?" said Taishi Ci. "I was just going to capture the wretch." "Because I have just heard that Que has been captured. Zhou Yu led a surprise force thither, and Chen Wu was in league with him to betray the city. We have no home now. I will hasten to Moling to get the help of Xue Li and Ze Rong to retake the city."
