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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 -> 8

紀靈忿張飛!」紀靈玄德:「。」紀靈玄德:「。」紀靈:「便。」便玄德Now on one side Ji Ling was discontented and angry; on the other Zhang Fei was dying for a fight; and neither of the two chiefly concerned would signify assent. Then suddenly the host turned to his attendants, saying, "Bring my trident halberd!" They did so, and he sat there gripping that graceful but effective weapon in his right hand. Both guests felt very ill at ease and turned pale. Lu Bu went on, saying, "I have tried to persuade you to make peace, for that is the command of the Most High. It shall be put to the test." He then bade his servants take the halberd outside beyond the gate and set it up. Then speaking to his two guests, he said, "That gate is one hundred and fifty paces distant. If I can hit that left branch of the halberd-head with an arrow, you will both withdraw your armies. If I miss, you can go away and prepare for immediate battle. I shall stand against either of you who does not abide by what I say." Ji Ling thought to himself, "That small mark at that distance! How could anyone hit it?" So he assented, thinking he would have plenty of fighting after his host had missed the mark. Of course Liu Bei was willing. They all sat down again and wine was served.
