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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 -> 16

:「天下諸侯諸侯便諸侯便。」:「。」宋憲魏續韓胤Chen Gong said, "In the midst of the present troubles, when there is great rivalry among the nobles, do you not see that the others will be exceedingly jealous of your marriage alliance with such a high family as the Yuans? Suppose you postpone the choice of the day, most likely when your fine morning arrives, the wedding party will fall into an ambush on the road and the bride be carried off. Then what could be done? My opinion is that you would have done better to refuse. But since you have consented, then carry out the plan at once before the lords hear of it, and so send the girl over without delay to Shouchun. You can hire a lodging there till you have selected the wedding day, and the odds are greatly against any failure." "What you say is quite to the point," replied Lu Bu. He went into the private apartments to see his wife and told her the bride elect would set out immediately and the trousseau was to be prepared as far as it could be. On his side he chose some good horses and had a wedding carriage got ready. The escort consisted of Han Yin and two of Lu Bu's generals, Song Xian and Wei Xu. The procession went out of the city to the sound of music.
