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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 吕奉先射戟辕门,曹孟德拜师淯水 -> 34

曹操曹安民长子Cao Cao, relying on Dian Wei to hold the main gate, had fled in haste by the rear gate. Cao Anmin accompanied him on foot. Then Cao Cao was wounded by an arrow in the arm, and three arrows struck his horse. However, fortunately, the horse was a fine Dawan beast full of spirit and, in spite of its wounds, it bore its master swiftly and well as far as the bank of River Yu. Here some of the pursuers came up, and Cao Anmin was hacked to pieces. Cao Cao dashed into the river and reached the further side, but there an arrow struck his steed in the eye and it fell. Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Ang, dismounted and yielded his horse to his father, who galloped on. Cao Ang was killed by arrows, but Cao Cao himself got away. Soon after he met several of his officers who had rallied a few troops.
