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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 呂奉先射戟轅門,曹孟德拜師淯水 -> 40

袁術韓胤:「呂布。」:「呂布。」:「。」陳珪:「便。」Cao Cao was pleased to hear of the rupture of the marriage arrangement between the houses of Yuans and Lus, and forthwith put Han Yin to death in the market place. However, Chen Deng secretly told Cao Cao, saying, "Lu Bu is cruel, stupid, and facile. The longer he remains, the worse." "I know Lu Bu quite well," replied Cao Cao. "He is a wolf with a savage heart, and it will be hard to feed him for long. If it had not been for you and your father, I should not have known all the circumstances and you must help me to get rid of him." "Anything the Prime Minister wishes to do shall have my assistance," was the reply. As a reward Cao Cao obtained an annually grant of two thousand carts of grain for Chen Gui and the governorship of Guangling for Chen Deng, who then took his leave. As he was saying farewell, Cao Cao took him by the hand, saying, "I shall depend upon you in the eastern affairs."
