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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 袁公路大起七军,曹孟德会合三将 -> 9

吕布云长杨奉韩暹云长韩暹杨奉陈圭:“。”:“吕布?”:“吕布。”Victory being now secure, Lu Bu, in company with Guan Yu, Yang Feng, and Han Xian returned to Xuzhou, where there were banquets and feasting and rewards for the soldiers and generals of five divisions. These over, Guan Yu took his leave and returned to Yuzhou, while Han Xian was appointed Governor of Yidu, and Yang Feng Governor of Langye. There had been a question of keeping these two in Xuzhou City, but Chen Gui opposed it, saying, "Let them hold those places in Huashan Mountains, which will be all yours within a year." So Han Xian and Yang Feng were sent to these two cities in the meantime to await orders. "Why not retain them here?" asked Chen Deng secretly of his father. "They would be a basis for our conspiracy against Lu Bu." "But if they helped him, on the other hand, we should lengthen the tiger's claws and teeth," said Chen Gui. So Chen Deng could only approve of his father's precautions.
