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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 賈文和料敵決勝,夏侯惇拔失啖睛 -> 5

荀彧:「劉表張繡。」:「。」便劉表張繡Next day Xun Yu wrote to tell Cao Cao that Liu Biao had gone to help Zhang Xiu and was camped at Anzhong, thereby cutting his road of retreat. Cao Cao replied to the letter, saying, "I have been marching only a short distance each day and of course knew of the pursuit. But my plans are laid and, as I am near Anzhong, my enemy will be broken. You need not have any fears." Then Cao Cao hastened his march till he came near where Liu Biao had taken position. Zhang Xiu still shortened the distance. Cao Cao ordered his men during the night to open a secret way through a pass, where he laid an ambush.
