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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 賈文和料敵決勝,夏侯惇拔失啖睛 -> 11

荀彧郭嘉:「?」:「袁紹使公孫瓚。」:「。」:「袁紹?」Xun Yu bowed his head in admiration. When Guo Jia entered, Cao Cao said, "Why so late, Sir?" The visitor drew a letter from his sleeve, saying to his master, "Yuan Shao sends this expressing he desires to send an army to attack Gongsun Zan and wishes you to lend provisions and troops." "I heard Yuan Shao was going to attack Xuchang. I suppose my return has made him change his intention," said Cao Cao. Then he opened the letter and read it. It was couched in very arrogant terms. "Yuan Shao is so exceedingly rude that I will attack him," said Cao Cao. "Only I think I am not quite strong enough. What should be done?"
