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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 賈文和料敵決勝,夏侯惇拔失啖睛 -> 19

玄德:「?」:「曹操?」便玄德張遼西雲長:「?」張遼雲長In due course Gao Shun came to the south gate. Liu Bei ascended the tower and said, "I have no quarrel with your master, why do you come here with an army?" "You have plotted with Cao Cao to injure my master as we know now: Why should I not bind you?" So saying Gao Shun gave the signal to attack. But Liu Bei did not go out to repulse Gao Shun; he only kept the gate fast closed. Soon after, Zhang Liao led an attack on the west gate, then kept by Guan Yu, who addressed Zhang Liao from the wall. "You are too good a man to waste yourself on rebels," said Guan Yu. Zhang Liao hung his head and made no reply. Guan Yu knew that Zhang Liao had a sound heart and high principles and said no more, as he was unwilling to wound Zhang Liao. Nor did he go out to attack.
