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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 賈文和料敵決勝,夏侯惇拔失啖睛 -> 21

簡雍曹操:「呂布袁紹劉表張繡。」荀攸:「呂布袁術。」郭嘉:「。」When Jian Yong, Liu Bei's messenger, reached the capital, he saw Cao Cao and told him what had happened. The advisers were called to discuss a plan. Cao Cao said, "I wish to attack Lu Bu. I fear not Yuan Shao, but Liu Biao and Zhang Xiu may attack me in the rear." Xun You, the nephew of Xun Yu, replied, "Both these latter have been too recently defeated to do anything so rash. But Lu Bu is a bold fighting man, and if he joined forces with Yuan Shu and they set themselves to conquer River Huai and River Si, the problem would he difficult." Then spoke Guo Jia, "Let us take advantage of the moment before they have fully made up their mind. Smite before they are fully prepared."
