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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 下邳城曹操鏖兵,白門樓呂布殞命 -> 21

貂蟬貂蟬:「。」:「?」陳宮:「。」:「!」Lu Bu very sadly went to take leave of Diao Chan who said, "You are my lord and my life. You must not be careless and ride out alone." "You need not fear. With my mighty trident halberd and Red Hare, who dare come near me?" He went out. But when he met Chen Gong, he said, "That story about supplies for Cao Cao is all false, one of his many ruses. I am not going to stir." Chen Gong sighed. He felt all was lost. "We shall die, and no one shall know our burial place," said he.
