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宋明 -> 三國演義 -> 下邳城曹操鏖兵,白門樓呂布殞命 -> 27

呂布袁術:「?」:「?」:「便?」:「。」張遼:「使。」In the meantime Xu Si and Wang Kai had got back to Lu Bu and told him what Yuan Shu had said, that if the girl came the soldiers should go. "But how can she be sent?" said Lu Bu. Xu Si said, "That is the difficulty. He Meng's capture means that Cao Cao knows the whole plan of getting help from the South of River Huai. I do not see how anyone but you yourself could hope to get through the close siege." "Suppose we tried, today?" said Lu Bu. "This is an ill-omened day. You must not try today. Tomorrow is a very lucky day, especially in the evening, for any military action." Then Lu Bu ordered Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, "Get ready three thousand troops for the venture, and prepare a light carriage. I will lead the first seventy miles, thence you can escort the bride-elect the remainder of the way to her new home."
