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宋明 -> 三国演义 -> 下邳城曹操鏖兵,白门楼吕布殒命 -> 39

须臾:“?”徐晃陈宫:“?”:“!”:“吕布?”:“。”:“?”吕布:“。”:“?”:“!”:“?”:“天下天下。”Lu Bu was silent. Then Gao Shun was brought forward. "What have you to say?" asked Cao Cao. Gao Shun sulkily held his tongue. He was ordered out to execution. Next Chen Gong was led in. "I hope you have been well since we last saw each other, Chen Gong?" said Cao Cao. "Your ways were crooked, and so I left you," said Chen Gong. "You say I was crooked; and what of your serving Lu Bu?" "Though he was a fool, he did not resemble you in deceit and wickedness." "You say you are able enough and clever, but what about your position today?" Turning toward Lu Bu, Chen Gong said, "This man would not follow my advice. Had he done so, he would not now be a captive." "What think you ought to be done about this day's work?" said Cao Cao. "There is death for me today, and that is the end!" said Chen Gong undauntedly. "Very well for you; but what of your mother and wife and children?" "It is said that one who rules with due regard to filial piety does not harm a person's family; one who would show benevolence does not cut off the sacrifices at a person's tomb. My mother and wife and children are in your hands. But since I am your prisoner, I pray you slay me quickly and not to try to harrow my feelings."
